| A lot of what America wants us to do is to not live inside of ourselves, to not be who we are...But if we just stop and really focus on the wisdom that lies inside of us, and couple that with the true history of the US, then I think that will actually lead us to a different space. A lot of movement...change and revolution will happen from that space. --Injunuity |
Be in a good way with everything and everything you need will be provided you. But the moment you start taking and not giving back...taking without ceremony and without prayer, that's when it all starts falling apart, your world starts crumbling...
and the growing alliances with the Global North:
Indigenous Environmental Network
Idle No More
The Pachamama Alliance: "Connecting indigenous wisdom and modern knowledge for a just, sustainable, and thriving world."
World People's Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth, Cochabamba, Bolivia 2010
Video: Awaken the Dreamer: Changing the Dream (Part I and II, 45 min. each)
The Gospel of the Redman: A Way of Life, by Ernest Thompson Seton 1937 (pdf)
Life of Tecumseh and of his Brother The Prophet, by Benjamin Drake 1841 (pdf)